2022年11月30日,现任复旦大学脑科学转化研究院青年研究员袁鹏与美国耶鲁大学Grutzendler团队合作于Nature在线发表文章“PLD3 affects axonal spheroids and network defects in Alzheimer’s disease”【1】,发现阿尔茨海默症中β-淀粉样蛋白沉积周围存在大量的轴突球状体的膨大病变结构,它们阻碍神经信号传导,影响神经网络功能,而溶酶体蛋白PLD3可以作为调控此病变的分子靶点。
1.Yuan, P. et al. PLD3 affects axonal spheroids and network defects in Alzheimer’s disease. Nature (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-05491-6
2.Cruchaga, C. et al. Rare coding variants in the phospholipase D3 gene confer risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Nature 505, 550–554 (2014).
3.Busche, M. A. et al. Clusters of hyperactive neurons near amyloid plaques in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. Science 321, 1686–1689 (2008).