使用Keras实现的图卷积神经网络 A Simplified Graph Convolutional Network with Keras
Github Link(qiu star):
**Clike Here for** [English Version](#English_Version)
1. TensorFlow : <tkipf/gcn>
2. Keras : <tkipf/keras-gcn>
如果您想了解更多关于图卷积神经网络 (GCN) 的原理,请参考作者的原论文,博客以及知乎上的回答:
1. Thomas N. Kipf, Max Welling, [Semi-Supervised Classification with Graph Convolutional Networks](Semi-Supervised Classification with Graph Convolutional Networks) (ICLR 2017)
2. Thomas Kipf, [Graph Convolutional Networks](How powerful are Graph Convolutional Networks?) (2016)
3. [知乎:如何理解 Graph Convolutional Network(GCN)?](如何理解 Graph Convolutional Network(GCN)?)
$ pip install -r requirements.txt用法和性能
$ python train.py
2708/2708 [==============================] - 0s 7us/step
Test Done.
Test loss: 1.0794732570648193
Test accuracy: 0.8139998912811279
[Done] exited with code=0 in 25.405 seconds
推荐使用tensorflow-GPU的版本,我的GPU是NVIDIA GTX 1060。如果你使用更好的GPU(比如 TITAN RTX ),能跑的更快!:heart_eyes:
# English_Version
## A Simplified Graph Convolutional Network with Keras
Keras-based implementation of graph convolutional networks **(GCN)** for semi-supervised classification. Rewrite a part of main function and some utils which is more simple compared the author&#39;s implementation. Thanks for his open source code at the following links :
1. TensorFlow : <tkipf/gcn>
2. Keras : <tkipf/keras-gcn>
For a more detail explanation of the GCN, have a look at the relevent paper and blog post by the orignal author :
1. Thomas N. Kipf, Max Welling, [Semi-Supervised Classification with Graph Convolutional Networks](Semi-Supervised Classification with Graph Convolutional Networks) (ICLR 2017)
2. Thomas Kipf, [Graph Convolutional Networks](How powerful are Graph Convolutional Networks?) (2016)
## Dependencies and Installation
Before to execute this algorithm writed in Python, it is necessary to install these required packages shown in the file named &#39; requirements.txt &#39;. You can also install all the required packages by just using one command :
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
## Usage and Performance
The default dataset is Cora Network and the detail description can be found in the file data. Just execute the following command from the project home directory :
$ python train.py
The performance consists with the benchmark described in the paper. The partial of output are following :
2708/2708 [==============================] - 0s 7us/step
Test Done.
Test loss: 1.0794732570648193
Test accuracy: 0.8139998912811279
[Done] exited with code=0 in 25.405 seconds
Recommand to use the tensorflow-GPU as backend and My GPU is NVIDIA GTX 1060. You can run it faster with the better GPU.
## Cite
Please cite the paper if you use this code in your own work:
title={Semi-Supervised Classification with Graph Convolutional Networks},
author={Kipf, Thomas N. and Welling, Max},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)},
``` |